About US

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Who We Are

Butula Neighbour’s Keeper Education Trust(BUNKET) is a non-profit institution for promoting community educational support and development.

Aware of the centrality of education to life and its significance in contributing to socio-economic growth and equitable development, RECOGNIZING the changing county, national and global trends and the emerging policy, strategic and legislative framework on education,

Butula Neighbours Keeper Education Trust (BUNKET) is committed to demonstrating innovative and viable approaches in working with the rural and peri-urban low income communities in order to improve access to quality education by UNITING NEIGHBOURS for Education.


Our Objectives

The objects for which the trust is established are to improve the quality of life of communities through educational support programs, partnerships with community based institutions, public and private agencies and specifically :

  1. To mobilize community, local, national and international resources for the development of quality education through trainings, and provision of learning infrastructure and resources.
  2. To work towards the elimination of all barriers which prevent learners from developing their full potential and skills through community sensitization and promotion of equal access to education and training.
  3. To encourage communities to cultivate interest in supporting education on self help basis through formation of support groups, with emphasis that the communities are able to educate themselves.
  4. To solicit and grant scholarships to learners from underprivileged families with priority to Busia county.
  5. To support the planning, building and maintenance of community education institutions and where necessary establish pre-schools, primary, secondary and vocational schools.
  6. To promote the use of information technology in the communities.
  7. To conduct action-based research and policy advocacy programs on key issues that contribute towards increasing access to educational opportunities for disadvantaged children in the community.

2019-2020 Activities

  1. Village sensitization meetings in eight villages-Malomba B, Buyayi C, Isongo B, Siribo C, Mauko B, Bumala B-B, Emakhubari. Siribo B.
  2. Provision of desks to Mauko and Makwara primary schools.
  3. Training of village coordinators.
  4. Sponsorship of 30 needy students in secondary, college and university.
  5. Hold 1 teachers mentorship talk and 2 secondary school students mentorship in every August.
  6. Provide mini libraries to two primary schools-Makwara, isongo
  7. Provision of sanitary pads to 1000 girls in primary and secondary schools.
  8. Deborah Owino for Masters degree
  9. Hold 2 education forums every 27th December.